Welcome to the new Footy Sevens and Volley Sixes Pickup page. If you've stumbled onto this page then you clearly have visited nearly every page on our website :-)
Started in the Winter of 2013, we will run pick-up sessions where you can simply register for your spot online and then show up and play. Teams will be formed for the evening, you'll have play your game, and then you go home, simple as that.
The games are ideal for those that want to get an extra game or two in without having to commit to another team, for those that work irregular shifts and find it hard to commit to a specific league night every week or for those times when you just plain fancy a game. If you are new to our leagues, or want to see what a venue you haven't played at has to offer, it's a good way of checking it out before committing to a league season there.
It's something new for us, but it's a concept that goes right back to the start of Footy Sevens. The birth of Footy Sevens was from an single field pick-up game which developed into a small friends and family league, then spread to multiple nights and venues, quickly growing to become the faceless corporate behemoth that you know and love today.
How does it work?
We have set up this satellite website where we'll list the upcoming pickup games. See the upcoming games here.
If there is a game that you want to join, just login with your normal Footy Sevens name and password (or register if you are new to Footy Sevens).
Click on the register interest button beneath the pickup game you would like to join. The admin team will approve your reguest within 24 hours and you'll receive the pre-payment link by e-mail.
During the summer, the majority of the pickup games are 90 minute sessions, during the winter the majority are 60 minute sessions..
Use the mailing list option or update your profile to hear about new games when we announce them.
We'll be adding more pickup sessions as fields become available on a week by week basis. Players who have registered for the Footy Sevens PICKUP site will receive e-mails with the upcoming pickup dates. You can switch off these e-mails on your profile page on the site if you do not wish to receive them.
Cancellation Policy:
Credits/Refunds must be requested no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled pickup game. Payments are non-refundable if requested within 24hrs of the scheduled kickoff time. To request a refund / credit please contact the admin team via email at admin@ottawafootysevens.com.
If you have any questions you can e-mail us at pickup@footysevens.com. Take a look at the full list of upcoming games and register.